The Digital Hospitality Solution.

Save the night

Extend hospitality and increase revenue with thank-you messaging.

Ready to go? Signup now in less than 3 minutes


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Speedy signup

Let's make this quick.
You'll be on your way to earning thousands of dollars in just three minutes. We collect only the essential details and never share any of our customer information. 

Data dense

It just might be rocket science.
Superhero Hospitality uses a unique algorithm to give you a powerful messaging platform. Fueled by a rocket scientist, restaurant owner, economist, and computer programmer team, Superhero Messaging will feel like magic.

Risk-free rewards

Get a taste.
No obligations or hidden fees. Ever. Watch your confidence grow with each message, and revel in your new revenue stream. Feel free to take the credit. We won't take it personally.

Designed for you

Superhero Hospitality has worked with a team of incredible restaurant owners, general managers, and hosts to create a product that reflects the values and operational components of all restaurants. Now, we are excited to share our findings with people like you: Restaurant Superheroes! Signup to begin messaging customers and experience the magic of Superhero Hospitality.